Thursday, 17 December 2015

Return of the Tiger

Thursday 17th December - All's well that ends well.


After a worrying 4 days the crate containing my bike was finally located lurking around southampton docks.  A further day spent in customs & then its was released for collection.

No-one in the logistics chain seemed able to explain what had happened, but it was found in a completely different container from the one it was alegedly loaded into.

They also neglected to say, and couldnt explain when & where the crate had been damaged, even though someone had clearly put a 'damaged' sticker on it & taken the trouble to shirnkwrap around the broken crate side.

Anyway, loaded up on a friend's trailer, the Tiger was finally heading home & 4 hours later she arrived.

 A bit of humping & heaving & the crate was in the garage.  Time to rip off the damaged sides & have a quick inspection.

 Everything seemed to be where I had left it and there was only minor damage to the spare fuel holders from whatever had crushed the crate.

Tomorrow I will start unpacking properly and figure out how to get the front wheel back on.

Relaxed now & time for a celebratory drink.


1 comment:

  1. good time to start planning next adventure.
